12 February 16h00 Talk on 'The Heavens Proclaim: Astronomy and the Vatican 

 We are delighted to announce that Br Guy Consolmagno SJ (Director of Specola Vaticana- the Vatican Observatory) will give a talk on the history of Vatican Observatory and its activities today. Br Guy Consolmagno SJ is an American research astronomer, physicist and President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, the recipient of numerous awards and an author among other achievements.

The Observatory go back to the Gregorian Reform of the Calendar in 1582, and it has been part of an extensive history of Church support for astronomy — Galileo to the contrary! As scientists supported by the Church, its modern mission is just to do good science. In the joy and beauty of what we discover, we reveal the presence of God in the things He has made; and in the process, show there is no inherent conflict between science and religion. Come and join us for what promises to be a fascinating insight into Astronomy, beauty and faith from a leading scientist. Please email me at hampstead@rcdow.org.uk to book your place. You are welcome to livestream the lecture by visiting https://www.churchservices.tv/hampstead'


Br Guy Consolmagno SJ
